Sunday, March 29, 2009

TNS: Government thinks we Stupid or what?

RM5000 subsidies for car over 15 years? 20 years?

Imagine, I am earning RM 1500 nett every month.
and, I owned a 25 years car.
and, I have RM 1500 to spend entirely for my family!

Now, if I sell my car for RM 5000 subsidies, and buy the CHEAPEST Proton Available - - RM 33,000.

With the subsidies, I only have to pay RM 28,000...BUT....I am only earning RM 1500 a month, where am I suppose to get the money...

OF COURSE, we have bank, so I borrow RM 28,000 from bank for my new car, Installment period stretch the max to 10 years!

Every months, I have to pay RM300 approximately...

it means....darn.....darn....NOW.... I only have RM 1200 to spend every month because of my new commitment....

Damn! I rather drive my old CAR...............................

TNS: 7.4.09 - Balik Mengundi! 308的激情与感动!