Tuesday, September 16, 2008

TNS: Hey, PM, Lu 'pray-pray' ar!

Anwar: I have more than 31 MPs
Abdullah: Make public the names

Tiu Nia Seng Betul!

Hey, Bodoh!
you thought its 'pray' 'pray' is it!

People want to see you, you run!
People want to show you, you shut your eyes!

Yet keep asking people to make public!
You think we all stupid-ar!

If PR really reveal the list, how can citizen be sure you won't detain our MPs under Ikut Suka Aku (ISA)!

Tiu Nia Seng betul!

I believe YB DSAI sure got solution already!

Kick those people out of Putrajaya fast-fast!

Tiu Nia Seng betul!

Always make people angry!


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